
Lazy Armchair

Lazy Armchair

Lazy Armchair & Ottoman

Lazy is an armchair with sinuous lines and a wide, cosy seat, turning it into the perfect companion for the moments of relaxation. The soft seat and lumbar support cushion, that perfectly fits the cold-foamed polyurethane shell, makes this armchair extremely comfortable. The coated metal base version of Lazy is suitable for both home and contract environments, while the wooden one is meant to give the product a warm and elegant aura, enabling it to fit in any kind of environment.

Introduced during Milan Design Week 2014, Lazy Armchair has been awarded with the prestigious “Good Design Award” by the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design in 2016.

Designed for Calligaris S.p.A.


As awarded by The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design.

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