
Reef Family

Reef Family

Reef Loveseat and Pouf

With a new conscience of lived spaces, our homes are back to welcome our friends, and the shared moments become even more special. The “Reef” family, designed for Connubia, grows to cuddle with its soft shapes and joyful spirit, fostering chats with those we have been missing for a long time or exchanging ideas and inspiration that finally cross the borders of a screen. Encouraged by the Italian and International awards received for its design and sustainability, this year we have chosen to give “Reef” new buddies for its adventures. Sharing the same “Reef” attitude, both the new loveseat and pouf are marked by a timeless design. They are produced with a circular approach that aims to minimize their environmental impact.

Reef Loveseat and Pouff have been introduced during Milan Design Week 2023

Designed for Connubia



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